Thursday 27 March 2014

What was Singapore like before the 1819 ?


( short write up )

Life in Temasek before the 1819 was a very busy yet interesting life. There was Economic connection, Political connection and also Lifestyle in Temasek during that period of time. Many traders from other countries had come to Temasek to trade using the old map of Temasek to find their way here. The traders had also left some gold armlets, old Chinese coins, fragments of vase from the Forbidden Hill. People sell things during that point of time too; they sell things and earn money so they can have enough money to buy things and dress themselves up and look good. Kings from different countries also come together and interact so they can improve their relationship between countries. Temasek was a busy port as traders from China came to Temasek to do maritime or international trade. People also set up business in Temasek while waiting for the monsoon wind to change direction. They sell things, play games and interact with the locals. When the wind has finally changed, then they will leave for their country. Temasek was an interesting and busy port last time as people kept coming in and going out. That’s what made Singapore history so interesting and amazing! 

Sunday 23 March 2014

What was Singapore like before 1819 ?


Singapore before 1819 was the times when Sir Stamford Raffles hasn't came to Singapore , when Sang Nila Utama founded Singapore. We are gonna tell you about the different aspects of life in Singapore before 1819 and how people connect and interact with one another. 


Let's start with economic connection. Economic connection is the connection formed through trade or the exchange of goods. Here are some sources to show that there was economic connection before the 1819 :

GOLD ARMLET : The gold armlet has the design of Kala, the Hindu god representing time and destruction. This design can be found in the Javanese art and temple designs.The armlet is dated to the mid-14th centuries. This armlet is made in Java and one of the ways it could be found in Temasek is that people from Java travel to Temasek to trade and had left them here. Thus, this shows that there was maritime trade and proves that there was economic connection. 

OLD MAP OF TEMASEK : The old map of Temasek can show that traders from other countries came to Temasek as they needed the map to find their way to Long Ya Men. Temasek was a very busy port and we can prove this by saying if people didn't come to Temasek to trade, there weren't be a map. So we can say that there was economic connection between other countries and Temasek.


Political connection ; the connection is formed when a country conquered another or became the protector of a weaker country.  Here are some sources to show that there was political connection before the 1819 :

FRAGMENT OF VASE FROM THE FORBIDDEN HILL : This source is an artefact from the forbidden hill from the 14th century.It has Chinese looking printings on the vase. We can infer that there was political connection as rulers from other countries gave Temasek's ruler the vase to improve their relationship with each other as the vase is made in China.

OLD MAP OF TEMASEK : The old map of Temasek shows that people from other countries used this map to get to Temasek and exchange gifts to improve relationship with each other. This shows the good relationship Temasek had with other countries in the past. 


Lifestyle shows the things people do in the past ; eg.
  • the jobs they did
  • the games they played
  • the way they dressed  
  • the shops they owned 
Here are some sources to show the shops the owned :

WHITE PORCELAIN WITH DECORATION : This source is assumed to date from a short span of time ( 1300-1368 ). The porcelain might contain wine for the rich as porcelain is expensive. The rich must have worked hard to obtain money to buy the wine. And they need to own shops to earn more money. Thus we can infer that there was shops in the past.